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Mission and Vision

The mission of UMass Chan China Program Office (CPO) is to help accomplish the mission of UMass Chan (to have a real-world impact in health sciences education, research and public service) in China. As UMass Chan continues to gain its national and international prominence, CPO strives to provide new opportunities in China to help UMass Chan in training tomorrow’s physicians, nurses and scientists, discovering causes of and cures for disease, and improving the quality of health care.

The aims of CPO are in two folds: to send to China UMass Chan advanced medical education, biomedical research and healthcare management expertise; and to receive from China reputation/recognition (as a top medical school in the world), benefit of large patient group and case varieties as MD training field, as well as resources (both financial and intellectual) to help secure UMass Chan’s leadership position.

CPO continue to function both as a bridge builder AND as the actual bridge between UMass Chan and China. This means that CPO initiate the development of relationship between UMass Chan and its Chinese partners and maintain such relationship once developed. CPO also serve as a bond for Chinese staff members, clinicians, faculties and other researchers at UMass Chan. In addition, CPO provide help to leading UMass Chan faculty members in handling requests from China regarding collaborations and other academic activities.

Specifically, CPO conduct its operation in the following areas:

1) coordinate the collaboration with Chinese partners to promote advanced medical education (including medical student exchange, Chinese medical professional training, etc.);

2) coordinate the collaboration with Chinese partners in biomedical research (both at institutional level and individual investigator level, also help to bring Chinese intellectual talents to UMass Chan);

3) market suitable UMass Chan intellectual properties in China; and

4) generate revenues through grant application, philanthropy development and other fund raising mechanisms.


Clinical rotation opportunities in China are available to UMass Chan students.  If you are interested and would like to have additional information, please

Contact China Program Office