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Which dissemination approach best reaches NIDILRR stakeholders: A comparative effectiveness study

Project Team:

Marsha Ellison, Bo Wang, Melissa Anderson, Dee Logan, Morgan Rao, Jean Wnuk, Ally Murray

Project Goal:

Using comparative effectiveness research methods, determine the relative reach of differing knowledge dissemination approaches, for people with disabilities, and disability employment policymakers.


Addresses the knowledge and research gap on which modality is most effective with which stakeholder group:

  • Webinars
  • Fact sheets
  • Videos

Objectives & Activities:

  • Solicit and select NIDILRR funded research finding for dissemination.
  • Co-produce with grantee and stakeholders a video, fact sheet, and webinar with similar content on that research.
  • Conduct test – develop two samples of people with disabilities and of policymakers; disseminate outputs; measure relative reach.
  • Disseminate findings.