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Are you navigating challenges in accessing the right disability data for your work?

Thank you for your interest in our research project. Enrollment has now closed.

We need your expertise! Join a short research project to help improve disability data access in policymaking.

We’re the Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research — a collaboration between UMass Chan Medical School and Boston University. We’re seeking disability policymakers, advocates, and graduate students in public policy who are passionate about making a difference.

Your participation will help the disability community, including those with mental health, intellectual, and cognitive disabilities, and the policymakers and service system directors supporting them, by helping us figure out the best way to disseminate meaningful research findings.

Learn More, read our Policymaker Advocate Fact Sheet

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What You'll Do

You will watch either a video, read a research brief, or attend a 1-hour live webinar.

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How You'll Do It

Complete a 10-minute survey to tell us how useful you think the video, brief, or webinar was to you.

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What's In It For You?

It’s a quick, one-hour commitment, and you’ll receive up to $50 in gift cards for your time.

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Ready to help?

Click the orange button below to complete our screener and get started!

For questions about this study, please email us at: CeKTER@umassmed.edu