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Biotech East

Denise DunlapDenise Dunlap, PhD, is an associate professor of Global Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Manning School of Business at UML. Dr. Dunlap is most well-known for her research on breakthrough innovation in the global med-tech and bio-pharmaceutical industries. Her research expertise led her to create the Biotech East training program, which trains individuals that want to transition into jobs in biotech, med-tech, and pharmaceuticals. Her work has been published in both business and scientific journals and been presented to international audiences including the UN Conference on Trade and Development.

The Biotech East program is a highly selective graduate training program for academics field that want to gain a better understanding of the biomedical business world. It is run in partnership with UML, the American Society for Cell Biology, Keck Graduate Institute, and UMass Chan. CAPCaT pilot awardees have participated as speakers on topics such as startup company creation and career transitions from academia to industry. Companies have also presented business case studies of successful POCT development.

Since 2019, 181 Ph.D. and post-doctorate students from all over the U.S. (e.g., MIT, Yale, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Univ. of Michigan) and the world (e.g., Austria, Brazil, Canada, India, Israel, Nigeria) have attended the program. Session topics include commercializing science, business models, market assessment, innovation management, building career networks, and entrepreneurship. Attendees learn how to leverage their Ph.D. skillset for a professional career, networking skills, and interdisciplinary teamwork through a group pitch project. Of all attendees, 70% have jobs in industry, regulatory affairs, or tech transfer. A 2019 Nature publication called it one of the most successful nationwide bio-tech educational programs


“It was an honor being selected for this amazing course offered by American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). Thank you for this wonderful learning opportunity!”

“Thank you so much for your efforts, engagement, and the conversations in the Biotech East course. I have gained so much in this past week. I am excited to apply some of these principles & habits. “

“Thank you for the great and inspiring session and case study today on networking during the ASCB biotech workshop. I learned so much during this week!”

”Thank you for your part in ASCB’s biotech course. I learned so much about the intersection of business and science. I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned.”

“I found it very impressive the attendees came from all over -- not just UML."

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