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Elise M. Stevens, PhD

Research Focus - Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses to Health Communication

  • Identifying marketing techniques and features that promote the use of unhealthy products
  • Developing health messages aimed at engagement in health risk behaviors
  • Understanding the appeal of health communication utilizing psychophysiological measures
  • Examining the content areas of tobacco products and marijuana

Representative Publication

Stevens EM, Johnson AL, Leshner G, et al. People in e-cigarette ads attract more attention: An eye-tracking study. Tob Regul Sci. 2020;6(2):105-117.

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    UMass Cancer Center funds five UMass Chan research projects

    The UMass Cancer Center Pilot Project Program has awarded seed grants to five UMass Chan Medical School research projects to enable investigators to gather pilot data for external cancer-focused funding.

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