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Lab News

January 2021

Our fellow senior postdoc Balazs Koscso gave a talk on our Science Immunology paper at JRNLclub

Listen to the talk here!

November 2020

Our commentary in Current Opinion In Immunology discusses the intricacies of neuro-innate immune cells interaction that maintains healthy gut microenvironment. Read the article here!

May 2020

Our lab made an appearance in the UMASSMED Now!

Read the article here!

April 2020

Our new study published in Science Immunology explains how intestinal macrophages organize mucosal T and B cells to induce protective IgA antibody responses to oral Salmonella. Read the article here: 10.1126/sciimmunol.aax0062.

Our commentary in Trends in Immunology discusses three recent complementary reports published in Cell (2020) that provide new mechanistic insights into how enteric neuro-immune crosstalk protects from Salmonella. Read the article here: 10.1016/j.it.2020.03.009.       

July 2019

Hello from Worcester! Our lab moved from Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey PA to UMass Chan Worcester MA