• A headshot of Dr. Celia Schiffer with the text "Celia Schiffer, PhD elected member to the national academy of sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continued achievements in original research"

BMB Blog

Dr. Celia Schiffer elected to the National Academy of Sciences


We are very excited to share that BMB’s own Celia Schiffer, PhD, Chair and Arthur F. & Helen P. Koskinas Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biotechnology and Director of the Institute for Drug Resistance at UMass Chan Medical School was elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)!

Established in 1863, the NAS acts to provide "independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology." NAS is generally acknowledged as one of the highest honors a scientist can achieve in the United States and is seen as a mark of excellence around the world. 

After studying at U of Chicago, UCSF, ETH Zurich and Genentech, Celia started her independent research career at UMass Chan in 1998. She rose through the ranks, becoming chair of the department of BMB in October of 2021. Under her leadership, the Schiffer laboratory uses a combination of experimental and computational structural biology and chemistry to study the molecular basis of drug resistance. Slowing the evolution of drug resistance is critical in everything from treating viral and bacterial infections to slowing cancer.

Congratulations, Celia!  We are very proud of you and pleased for BMB and UMass Chan!

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