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Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology Blog

Todi Kerxhalli

viernes, febrero 24, 2023

Each month the BMB Department will feature a department member's unique story.

Leonora Martinez Nunez sat down with Todi Kerxhalli, he is in charge of keeping the 9th floor BMB spotless. Read Todi's story below.


Diversity Profile of the Month!

Todi is in charge of maintaining the BMB 9th level spotless, from the hallways to the laboratories. Todi helps us every day with keeping the space clean and flawless. Todi came to the US twenty-four years ago. He was born and raised in Albania until he came to the US. Brought here by his American father, Todi came to Worcester with his wife and children, a daughter, and a son. Todi mentioned he has around 150 members of his family living here in the city of Worcester.

Can you share with us your immigration journey?

“My father came here first, but I had no chance to come with him at the beginning. My country was communist until 1991. My father brought my mother first. I came after with my wife and my kids, my sister, and her family. All Todi’s family- are here in Worcester”. Todi has some family in Rochester New York, but mostly here. Almost 150 people from Todi’s family live in the city and they have a reunion every year at his cousin’s house.

What led you to the BMB department?

“I used to work for 16 years at Worcester Academy School. I was a chef over there, in charge of breakfast and lunch for the students. After my father passed away last year, my mom is not doing very well. So, my wife, who works here at the hospital cafeteria, heard about the open position, and I applied, and so I’m here with you guys”. Todi mentioned that his position at the BMB allows him to take better care of his mum and that the “kitchen is just a lot of work”.

What is one thing that you like about your work in this department?

“I like my people. I missed you guys. I left for a month, and I thought they were going to keep me there to cover this other area, but I miss my people. I'm going back here”.

Do you travel often back to Albania?

“Yes, all the time. We usually travel from Boston to Greece to visit my mother-in-law and her sister. I still have some cousins in Albania – but I feel like the I don't know anybody. A lot of changes over there. There is a big lake in my town, is a wonderful city, small city but a lot of people. My friends left to other places so, we don't know so much over there right now”.

What do you like to do when you are not working?

Todi mentioned that because his mum is not doing very well, he takes care of her most of the time. He likes to spend time with his family. His son comes to visit almost every day because he lives close by, and his daughter is soon traveling to Worcester from Florida, where she lives. He also likes to go to church where he shares time with the Albanian community.

Two things you would like to do in the next couple of years.

“I want travel everywhere. My play next year is to visit my cousin in Italy, but we’ll see”


If you would like to be the next spotlight, please reach out to Gily Nachum.