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Education Grand Rounds

Education Grand Rounds is a quarterly series of talks by UMass Chan and national experts on issues of importance to healthcare education. We aim to promote discussion of best practices, new directions, and key focus areas in healthcare education. This series will focus on the academies chosen theme for each year and discuss how that theme be integrated into education and healthcare.   

Announcing the Education Grand Rounds Schedule for Academic Year 2024/2025. 

All sessions will be held from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, offering in-person attendance with the flexibility to join remotely via Zoom. Further details will be available soon. 

  • September 26,2024 
  • November 21, 2024
  • February 4, 2025
  • April 17, 2025

Thomas J. Van Hoof, MD, EdD, FACMQ
Director of Teaching and Learning
University of Connecticut (UConn) School of Nursing

Nicole Cerda, MSN-Ed, RN
Nurse educator, Critical Care nurse, and Nursing Supervisor at Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington, MA

Zoom Recording  
Passcode: +.3^0h*^.L

Appendix A
Strategies to Improve
Learning and Memory

The Biology of Learning and Its Relevance to Continuing Professional Development Meetings

Join us for our Education Grand Rounds with Thomas J. Van Hoof MD, EdD, FACMQ, and Nicole Cerda, MSN-Ed, RN, for there talk "The Biology of Learning and Its Relevance to Continuing Professional Development Meetings." The facilitators will describe the biology of learning, including the critical role of sleep, and discuss the relevance of biology to a common CPD activity, the educational meeting.

February 4, 2025 / 4:00-5:15 PM - In person and Zoom
UMass Chan Medical School - Hiatt auditorium S1-608

 Past Events

Belonging as Scholars: Fostering Independence Integrity, Resilience, and Adaptability in Biomedical Education 
Mary Ellen Lane, Ph.D. Dean, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Professor, Department of Neurobiology, UMass Chan Medical School

Zoom Recording Passcode: Q1.wDFWh!c

This session will define the Scholar's Identity in biomedical education, highlighting the transformation from research assistant to independent scholar and the importance of belonging in this process. We will discuss the significance of scholarly integrity, including plagiarism awareness and the ethical use of GenAI, as essential elements that promote a sense of community among scholars. Additionally, we will explore how resilience and adaptability are vital for navigating challenges in research training and successfully transitioning into diverse career paths.

Learning Communities, Learning Environments and Belonging: Using Theory to Guide Practice
Larry D. Gruppen, PhD, Professor of Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan Medical School

Zoom Recording Passcode: $CCE41JwQg

A sense of belonging to a community is critical to well-being and effective practice. Belong is fostered by some learning and work environments and limited in others. Understanding the environmental characteristics that impact on a sense of belongingness is challenging because of the complexity of understanding environmental dynamics. This discussion will present a conceptual framework for understanding the varied components of the learning/work environment – personal, interpersonal, institutional, spatial, and virtual. This framework can be used to analyze initiatives to augment belongingness and to design relevant belongingness interventions.

 Maureen Wassef

Competency-Based Education... If we just ignore it, will it go away?
Maureen Wassef, MSN, PhD, RN, Associate Professor,  Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing

May 14, 2024, 4-5 PM, Albert Sherman Auditorium & Zoom, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester MA

Zoom Recording Passcode: $0&M^q4kin

Maya Hammoud, MD

Coaching in Healthcare Medicine
Maya Hammoud, MD, MBA, Professor of Learning Health Sciences, University of Michigan

April 4, 2024, 4-5 PM, Hiatt Auditorium S1-608 & Zoom, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester MA

Zoom Recording Passcode: %wM4^k@nw%

Reid Evans, PhD, Education Director, GME

Updates on Feedback
Reid Evans, PhD, Education Director for Graduate School of Medicine, UMass Chan

January 9, 2024 - UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester MA

Watch Zoom


Celebration to launch HEALL- the Health Education Academy for Leadership  and Learning

December 13, 2023 - UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester MA 

Zoom Recording  - Passcode: E+RG8&d93J