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Peer Academic Coaching Support for College Students (PASS)

PIs:  Maryann Davis, PhD, Amanda Costa, BS
Investigators: Kathryn Sabella, MA, Marsha Ellison, PhD (UMass Chan), Dorothy Hutchinson, PhD (Boston University), & Mary Huber, PhD (Wright University)

The goal of this project is to produce an empirically supported peer coach intervention, called Peer Academic Supports for Success (PASS), to help new college students with serious mental health conditions (SMHC) succeed academically. PASS will be developed in partnership with young adults with lived experience. PASS is intended to be a combination of two previous approaches: an existing Peer Coach approach designed for college freshmen with autism spectrum disorders and a non-peer Coaching approach that has been utilized with students with SMHC. Qualitative data gathered from students with SMHC and a review of relevant literature will be used to inform a small pilot open trial of the PASS model. Following this pilot open trial, intervention, and research protocols will be revised as appropriate and then the finalized pilot randomized controlled trial will be implemented to produce feasibility findings to inform future intervention efficacy (stage 3) research.


Davis, M., Hutchinson, D. S., Cherchia, P., Golden, L., Morrison, E., & Baczko, A. (2022). Peer Academic Supports for Success (PASS) for college students with mental illness: Open trial. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 10(9), 1711. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10091711


Academic Coaching For College Students with Mental Health Conditions by Peer Students: Pilot Results Webinar

Davis, Cherchia, Hutchinson | 2022

College Faculty Guide to Academic Supports for College Students with Serious Mental Health Conditions

Video Series | 2021
Peer Coaches Promoting Academic Success for College Students (PASS)
Amanda Costa, Laura Golden & Maryann Davis, UMass Chan Medical School, Dori Hutchinson, PhD, Boston University, Mary Huber, PhD, Wright State University | June 2017
Peer Coaches Promoting Academic Success for College Students (2)
Tampa Conference
Amanda Costa & Laura Golden | March 2017

The College Years Webinar
Costa, Lane, & Golden | 2018

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