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Before a Mental Health Crisis Hits: Creating a Family Safety Plan

Tip Sheet

Date Posted: lunes, agosto 31, 2020


A Family Safety Plan is a tool created collaboratively with your loved one with lived experience of mental health condition(s), family members, medical staff and friends. It’s your “playbook” of the best ways to minimize or divert a mental health crisis. The plan is prepared when your loved one is stable and can fully contribute. The goal of the plan is to identify possible triggers for a mental health issue and actions, under different scenarios, to minimize or prevent a crisis and ensure the safety of your loved one and other family members. This tip sheet was developed by our Family Advisory Board and describes what to include in a Family Safety Plan and tips about creating one.

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Subject Area

Family, Transition Age Youth


Family Safety Plan, mental health conditions, transitions age youth, family, crisis planning, mental health, mental illness, serious mental illness, police, parents, youth, young adults

Suggested Citation

Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research. Before a Mental Health Crisis Hits: Creating a Family Safety Plan. Psychiatry Information in Brief 2020;17(15):1155. https://doi.org/10.7191/pib.1155. Retrieved from https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/pib/vol17/iss15/1