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Adulting Is Hard: Understanding the College-to-Career Transition and Supporting Young Adults’ Emotional Wellbeing

Tip Sheet

Date Posted: miércoles, diciembre 09, 2020
By: Laura Golden, Jade Moser, Aimee Vella-Riplee, John MacPhee, Victor Schwartz, Len Levin, Kathleen Biebel


The Collecting Histories and Employment during Recovery (CHEER) study aims to provide a long-term picture of career development activities of young adults living with serious mental health conditions. From this study, we will better understand the work and education experiences, and the supports and barriers encountered by young adults with serious mental health conditions when trying to achieve their work and/or education goals, as well as how becoming a parent has impacted their work and education experiences.

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Subject Area

Employment, Transition Age Youth


Employment, college, young adults, mental health, mental health condition, transition age youth, job, work, career, survey, Jed Foundation, recent college graduate, college senior, employers, Harris Poll, Jed

Suggested Citation

Golden L, Moser J, Vella-Riplee A, MacPhee J, Schwartz V, Levin L, Biebel K. Adulting Is Hard: Understanding the College-to-Career Transition and Supporting Young Adults’ Emotional Wellbeing. Psychiatry Information in Brief 2020;17(21):1161. https://doi.org/10.7191/pib.1161. Retrieved from https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/pib/vol17/iss21/1