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Making It Work: Vocational Peer Mentors for Emerging Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions

Tip Sheet - English, Spanish, and Vietnamese versions

Date Posted: miércoles, diciembre 17, 2014
By: Transitions RTC


The Transitions RTC and Thresholds Young Adult Program (YAP) developed a supported employment/ education model based on the Individual Placement and Support1 model (IPS) and added a vocational peer mentor for emerging adults with serious mental health conditions (SMHC). This model is still being developed, but preliminary research has identified several guidelines that could be helpful for others thinking about implementing peer mentors into their vocational services for emerging adults with SMHC.

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Subject Area

Transition Age Youth


Transition age youth, Peer mentors, Vocational mentoring, Vietnamese, Spanish

Suggested Citation

Making It Work: Vocational Peer Mentors for Emerging Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions [English, Spanish and Vietnamese versions]. Psychiatry Information in Brief 2014;11(6):1091. https://doi.org/10.7191/pib.1091. Retrieved from https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/pib/vol11/iss6/1