School that Makes Cent$: Taking CTE Courses
Date Posted: martes, septiembre 15, 2020Abstract
Career and Technical Education (or CTE) classes are a great way to learn skills for a future career. CTE is the practice of teaching career skills to students. By taking a concentration of CTE courses, high school students can graduate with special certifications that make them eligible to work in certain jobs. These certifications can help high school graduates get a head start in college or career. This tip sheet provides high school students with information about what CTE classes are, how to choose a CTE focus for classes and how to request any accommodations that may be needed.
Subject Area
Education and Training, Transition Age Youth
education, employment, 504 Plan, Individualized Learning Plan, ILP, IEP, Individualized Education Program, CTE, CTE classes, Career and Technical Education, Career and Technical Education classes, high school, mental health conditions, high school student, career interest inventory
Suggested Citation: Fowler CH, Rao M. School that Makes Cent$: Taking CTE Courses. Psychiatry Information in Brief 2020;17(16):1156. Retrieved from