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What is TEST?

Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) is a grant we received with the goal of increasing the use and adoption of research-based best practices in transition planning services for high school students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbances (EBD) receiving special education services. The goal is to deliver these best practices in a series of products which can be used by special education transition teams across the US, which will improve employment and education outcomes for this vulnerable group. Some of the research findings and resulting products from TEST are available below.

Incorporating CTE in Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbances

CTE YT Video Thumbnail.png

The TEST Guides

student led icon

 Student-led IEP Meetings

Research shows students taking a leadership role during their transition planning meetings is correlated to postsecondary education enrollment. This practice guide provides special educators with 5 lesson plans to inspire students to take a leadership role in their IEP meetings. By completing these lessons, students learn more about their IEPs, build self-determination, create their own IEP goals, prepare to lead their IEP meetings, and practice leading their IEP meetings.

student led guide thumbnailSupporting Student-Led Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbance guide

community partnership iconCommunity Agency Representation

Research indicates that having a postsecondary school representative at a student’s transition planning meeting has a correlation with a student’s postsecondary education enrollment. This practice guide equips special educators to recruit and engage community partners to participate in transition planning with students, actively incorporate community partners into IEP meetings, and sustain connections with community partners over time.

Partnering with community agencies thumbnailPartnering with Community Agencies in Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbance guide

wrench iconConcentration of Career-Specific CTE Courses

Research reveals that a concentration of career-specific CTE courses is correlated to finding full-time employment after high school. This practice guide readies special educators to complete career assessments and career exploration activities with students, work with students to create post-high school career goals, determine a progression of career-specific CTE courses to take in high school, and develop IEP supports to reinforce CTE learning.

career tech 2.JPGIncorporating Career and Technical Education in Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbance guide

Why are these guides important?

High school students with EBD are:

  • A vulnerable population often under-recognized and underserved by existing school-based services
  • More likely to drop out of high school than any other group of students3,9
  • Less likely to participate in postsecondary education than many other students with disabilities1,6,8,15
  • More likely to have lower wages12, lower employment rates14, and poorer health10
  • Identified by teachers as the population they feel least equipped to serve2,4,5,7,11,13

See references

Who are these guides for?

These guides are for a variety of educators who support and serve students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbance (EBD), such as:

  • Special Education Teachers
  • Transition Planners
  • Guidance or Mental Health Counselors

For these guides, “students with EBD” includes:

  • Students formally identified as having an EBD who receive special education services
  • Some students identified as having Other Health Impairment (OHI) who receive special education services
  • Students with IEP or 504 plans that include behavioral goals

Download our Tip Sheets!

  • thumbnail of tip sheet

    School that Makes Cent$: Taking CTE Courses

    This tip sheet provides high school students with information about what CTE classes are, how to choose a CTE focus for classes and how to request any accommodations that may be needed.

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  • thumbnail of tipsheet

    I’ve Got My Crew: Inviting Community Partners to Your IEP Meeting

    This tip sheet provides high school students with tips on how to identify community partners, how they can help students, and how to students can include them in the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings.

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    You Got This: Taking a Leadership Role in Your IEP Meeting

    This tip sheet provides tips for how students (ages of 3 to 21) who receive special education services in public schools can take a leadership role in their individualized education programs (IEP) and transition planning.

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