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Maryann Davis, PhD, Lancet Psychiatry Commission author on youth mental health

Date Posted: jueves, agosto 15, 2024

thumbnail of magazine coveriSPARC and Transitions ACR Professor Emerita Maryann Davis, PhD, served as a member of the Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Youth Mental Health. The Commission has published a paper that provides the first comprehensive worldwide view of the state of youth mental health. It highlights the gap between the prevalence and impact of mental ill-health among young people, and the insufficient policy and funding responses from governments, with only 2% of global health budgets allocated to addressing it.   The Commission authors are academic, service, economic, and policy experts, as well as 10 youth commissioners from around the world, with young voices and perspectives from Australia, Zambia, Morocco, Canada, India, Ireland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brazil and Canada represented.  The paper offers real, relevant, and endorsed solutions to this gigantic gap between needs and relevant, effective services.

The complete paper titled: The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on youth mental health can be found in The Lancet Psychiatry September 2024 Volume 11 Issue 9. The article is available for free: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(24)00163-9/abstract.

On October 22, 2024, at the Australian Mission to the UN in NYC, Dr. Davis along with members of the Lancet Commission, the United Nations, and the media came together for a special briefing and launch on the Psychiatry Commission on Youth Mental Health.

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L-R: Malavika Rajesh, Youth Advisory Board Member, Born This Way Foundation; Srividya Iyer, Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University; Dustin Graham, Deputy Editor The Lancet; Maryann Davis, Professor of Psychiatry Emerita, UMass Chan Medical School; Ambassador Larsen, Patrick McGorry, Professor of Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne and Director of Orygen Youth Health; and Commission editor, then Tom Minear, News Corp, US Correspondent.

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Australian Ambassador to the UN, James Larsen