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Transitions ACR Awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working RRTC 5-Year Grant for the 4th Time

Date Posted: viernes, agosto 23, 2024

burst with text and silhouette of youth growing from school to adulthood

iSPARC and Transitions ACR Researchers Marsha Ellison, PhD, and Michelle Mullen, PhD, were awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working During the Transition to Adulthood, Rehabilitation Research and Training Center 5-year grant (2024-2029). 

The Learning & Working Rehabilitation Research and Training Center has three goals:

  1. Explore Alternate Policy Pathways to Promote Career Development Outcomes
  2. Conduct Research & Development Activities to Enhance Human Capital Outcomes
  3. Translate New Knowledge to Innovate Policy, Programs, and Practices.

These goals will drive all activities in the Learning & Working RRTC to beneficially impact young adults with serious mental health conditions. The Learning & Working RRTC focuses on the most critical career development issues facing transition-age youth and young adults to generate new knowledge and rapidly move research to practice by leveraging our deep expertise in interventions, research and development, and knowledge translation.

Over the next five years, the Learning & Working RRTC will conduct five research projects, two technical assistance projects, three training projects, and a dissemination project.  

Under the leadership of Maryann Davis, PhD, Emerita Professor of Psychiatry, Transitions ACR was awarded the first Learning & Working RRTC grant in 2009, providing the foundation of excellence for this current five-year iteration.  We are thrilled to enter into our 16th year of innovative research and knowledge translation under the stewardship of Drs. Ellison & Mullen.