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Newly Funded Research in September 2023!

Date Posted: lunes, octubre 02, 2023

Transitions ACR is pleased to announce that in September 2023 two of our researchers received funding for new projects. Please join us in congratulating Lourah Kelly and Kathryn Sabella on these important research studies.

white woman with dark brown curly hair wearing a blue blouse smilingLourah Kelly, Ph.D., was awarded a 3-year project entitled “Development and Evaluation of an Avatar Guided Mobile Health for Emerging Adults” by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). This newly funded R00 is part of a phased K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award which supports Dr. Kelly’s transition from postdoctoral fellow to independent research scientist, through training, mentorship, and a pilot research project.

Emerging adults have higher rates of binge drinking, thoughts of suicide, and suicide attempts than any other age group, but very low use of substance use treatment. The R00 phase of this project pilots, refines and evaluates a novel mobile health intervention guided by an avatar for emerging adults and who binge drink and experience thoughts of suicide.

The intervention is implemented within the emergency department as a key point of healthcare service entry. Because emerging adults prefer mobile health and self-guided interventions and such technology is widely accessible, the proposed mobile health intervention could offer significant public health benefit in reducing alcohol use problems and suicidal thoughts in emerging adults.

headshots of Sabella and Thomas with Temple U logoKathryn Sabella, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Thomas, Ph.D., Temple University, are co-directors of a new “Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Community Living and Participation among Transition Age Youth with Serious Mental Health Conditions from Disadvantaged, Vulnerable, and Marginalized Backgrounds” co-funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This 5-year project will serve as a national leader in state-of-the-art research and knowledge translation activities to significantly advance community living and participation outcomes among transition-age youth (TAY) with serious mental health conditions from disadvantaged, vulnerable, and marginalized backgrounds.

The Center’s five research studies and knowledge translation activities will: 1) generate new knowledge regarding developmentally appropriate interventions to promote participation; 2) generate new knowledge about system and policy issues affecting community living and participation; and 3) provide training, dissemination, and technical assistance to TAY and other key stakeholders.

transitions umass chan temple university nidillir and samhsa logos