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Eating Disorders Awareness Week: IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE.

Date Posted: sábado, febrero 25, 2023

For the 3rd year in a row, we are proud to be a National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Awareness Week (Feb 27-March 5) collaborator, and help NEDA in their goal to shine the spotlight on eating disorders by educating the public, spreading a message of hope, and putting lifesaving resources into the hands of those in need.

This year's theme is "IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE", which celebrates Strength through Experience and Knowledge by recognizing that It's Time for Change. #EDAW2023 is an opportunity to center on lived experience and eating disorder education, which are essential catalysts for awareness and change. - NEDA.org

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If you or someone you know is struggling with body image or eating concerns, NEDA's toll-free and confidential helpline is here to provide support, information, and treatment options.

For 24/7 crisis support, text "NEDA" to 741741

Click here for Help & Support

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Our 3 featured Young Adult blogs focus on two personal accounts of struggling with eating disorders and mental health challenges and "who's at your table" list of valuable resources to get support for recovery.

How my Mental Health Crisis Impacted My Health

My Worth is More Than My Weight

Who's At Your Table? The More Support The Better

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"The WEIGHT of weight stigma" ep. 5 of our S.T.A.Y. Tuned podcast features Dr. Nana Yaa Marfo, an iSPARC postdoc fellow who provides outpatient clinical care and conducts mental health services research. In this podcast, she discusses unrealistic body expectations promoted by social media, food insecurity on college campuses, the impact of weight stigma on young adult mental health, and how the social determinants of health play a role in weight stigma.

Listen to the Podcast