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Kathryn Sabella to Present 3-Part Live Webinar Series with TransCen, Inc.

"Best Practices on Supporting the Transition and Employment Needs of Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions "

Date Posted: lunes, abril 04, 2022

iSPARC Researcher and Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Deputy Director Kathryn Sabella, is presenting a 3-part live webinar series: "Best Practices on Supporting the Transition and Employment Needs of Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions", with TransCen, Inc. starting April 19th. 

Young adults with serious mental health conditions experience a unique set of challenges as they transition to adulthood and navigate school, training, and work. The 3-part series will first provide audience members with a general understanding of this population, then describe how this group navigates school, training, and work, and conclude with an important consideration of how services can and should consider young adults' needs from a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens. Information from these webinars can help providers and policymakers better understand how to effectively support this population.

Watch this 4-minute personal invitation to learn more about the webinar series and click the links below to register.

April 19th, 1-2:30 PM EST — Part 1: Establishing a Developmental and Cultural Understanding of How to Support Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions 

May 3rd, 1-2:30 PM EST — Part 2: Supporting the Education, Training, and Employment Pursuits of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions 

May 17th, 1-2:30 PM EST — Part 3: One Size Does Not Fit All: A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Framework for Supporting Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions