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5-year Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Youth and Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions Grant Awarded to the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research!

Date Posted: miércoles, enero 08, 2020


Third Cycle of Federal Funding for the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Youth and Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions Awarded to Dr. Maryann Davis and the UMass Chan Medical School!

The Implementation Science and Practice Advances Research Center (iSPARC) and the Department of Psychiatry at the UMass Chan Medical School are thrilled to announce the award of the third cycle of a 5-year Rehabilitation Research and Training Center grant. The Learning and Working during the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (L&W RRTC, grant number 90RTEM0005) is led by Maryann Davis, Ph.D. and is funded over five years for $4.3 million by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at the Administration on Community Living, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The L&W RRTC is housed at the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research (Transitions ACR), which is part of iSPARC.

The mission of the L&W RRTC is to use the tools of research and knowledge translation to help ensure that policies, programs, and supports for youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions (SMHCs) build the strong cornerstones that support successful long-term adult work lives. This third cycle of the L&W RRTC will conduct a coordinated and comprehensive set of activities to; (1) further the evidence base for interventions that builds the credentials, skills, and abilities that contribute to lifelong sustainable living wages, (2) explore factors that contribute to successful transitions to employment in vulnerable subgroups of youth and young adults with SMHCs, (3) provide national statistics on how youth and young adults with SMHCs and their vulnerable subgroups are faring in education and employment, and (4) explore barriers and facilitators to access that these youth and young adults to encounter federally mandated services for students with disabilities. Through state of the science knowledge translation processes, the L&W RRTC will speed capacity-building for service providers, the movement of findings into practice and policy, and prepare the future research workforce in this area. The L&W RRTC’s activities deeply embed the participatory involvement of youth and young adults with SMHCs and their families, as well as service providers and policy experts.

For more information on the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research and the Learning and Working during the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research and Training Center visit us at our website

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