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Don't miss the July 19 SPARC and Law & Psychiatry Research Seminar!

Date Posted: miércoles, junio 20, 2018

Combined SPARC and L_P image

SPARC and Law & Psychiatry Research Seminar
Forensic Mental Health: Down-Under
Dr. Bree Wyeth

Thursday, July 19th from 9am - 10:30am
Systems & Psychosocial Advances Research Center
222 Maple Ave, Chang Building, Room 112
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

In this talk, Dr. Bree Wyeth will outline the development of Forensic Mental Health Services in Australia with reference to our socio-cultural and legal context. This will include description of the ongoing serious challenges for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s health and wellbeing as well as a consideration of Australia's unique history of gun control legislation. Dr. Wyeth will also discuss some of Australia’s notable researchers in Forensic Mental Health and allied disciplines.  Register here.