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Transitions ACR Faculty Directory

Our faculty is nationally/internationally recognized, conducting, disseminating, and supporting the use of research in the public mental health system to enhance services for transition-aged youth people with behavioral health conditions that promote their recovery and improve their quality of life. Their work informs, advises, and involves individuals with lived mental health experience, their families, providers, administrators, and policymakers navigating the behavioral health landscape.


white woman with long blonde wavy hair wearing a green shirt smilingKathryn Sabella, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Director of the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research

UMass Chan Profile

Co-director, of The Center for Community Inclusion and Reflective Collaborative (funded by the NIDILRR and SAMHSA) with Temple University Collaborative at Temple University College of Public Health.

  • Maryann Davis

    Maryann Davis, Ph.D.

    Academic Role: Professor Emerita of Psychiatry



    PI for the Learning & Working During the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research & Training Center (Learning & Working RRTC). Co-PI for the Tools for Work Success Study. Co-PI Collaborative Hub for Emerging Adult Recovery Research (CHEARR) at UConn School of Medicine. 

  • Lourah Kelly

    Lourah Kelly, Ph.D.

    Academic Role: Assistant Professor, Psychiatry



    UMass Profile

    Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Emergency Medicine

    Director of the Suicide and Substance Use Lab and Emerging Adult Avatar Project, funded by NIAAA. Co-PI Collaborative Hub for Emerging Adult Recovery Research (CHEARR) at UConn School of Medicine. Co-PI Improving Outcomes of Adolescents in Residential Substance Use Treatment via a Technology-Assisted Parenting Intervention at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

  • Marsha Langer Ellison

    Marsha Langer Ellison, Ph.D.



    Director, Communications at iSPARC

    Director, Knowledge Translation for the Learning & Working Rehabilitation and Research Training Center (RRTC)

  • Collen McKay

    Collen McKay, MA., C.A.G.S.

    Academic Role: Assistant Professor of Psychiatry



    Director of the Program for Clubhouse Research

  • Michelle Mullen

    Michelle Mullen, Ph.D.

    Academic Role: Assistant Professor of Psychiatry



    Director of Helping Youth on the Path to Employment (HYPE)

    Co-PI for the Tools for Work Success Study

  • Hannah Seward

    Hannah Seward, Ph.D.

    Academic Role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow



    Research interests: Knowledge translation (including integrated and arts-based KT), employment for young adults with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation, life skills