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The Professional Women’s Committee (PWC) has purchased a number of books available for borrowing from the Lamar Soutter Library. In addition to those, here are some recommendations from your colleagues:

Cutting for Stone, by Abraham Verghese (a novel)
"Although a novel, the lead character is a female doctor in an impoverished area. Her medical feats, love, compassion and care rise above it all. A fantastic book."

Knowing your Value, Women, Money, and Getting What You’re Worth, by Miza Brzezinski

Innovative Admin, by Julie Perrine
"While the information is somewhat basic it could offer tips to an individual just beginning their working career."

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot (true story)
"A great read. She gave women and the world of medicine so much but received nothing in return. Such injustice, I
thought about it for days."