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Welcome from the Chairman and Core Directors

Dr. McManus and Dr.  FitzgeraldWelcome to the DoM Clinical Research Core Website!  The DoM Clinical Research Core is a unique resource for our Department at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (UMass Chan).  We have a centralized, professional, and coordinated team of clinical research coordinators, research nurses,  grants administrators, lab technicians, and biostatisticians available through a standardized, equitable, and transparent process. Guided by a scientific oversight committee (SOC) comprised of experienced Departmental Faculty, the core is now operational to help you better develop and implement your clinical research program. We work on your behalf, collaboratively with the Office of Clinical Research, Office of Sponsored Programs, Department of PQHS, and other key stakeholders.

We would like to thank Karen Griffin, our Senior Academic Administrator, and other Core leaders, without whom this effort would not be possible.

We are proud of our team and welcome you to explore our website.

Dave McManus, MD, ScM, Core Director
Kate Fitzgerald, PhD, Core Co-Director