• AI image of heart

    CardiOvascular Digital hEalth Research (CODER) T32 Training Program

    Informatics. Data Science. AI. Mobile Health. Point-of-Care Technologies. Implementation Science. Health Equity

Program overview

The goal of CardiOvascular Digital hEalth Research (CODER) is to develop postdoctoral investigators with expertise in cardiovascular digital health by bringing together highly skilled and collaborative training faculty from multiple disciplines, with the ultimate goal of developing and equitably implementing novel digital health solutions that improve the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. 

doctor holding smartphoneThe CODER T32 training program is a collaboration between the Departments of Medicine and Population and Quantitative Health Sciences, and leverages the diverse and progressive environment at UMass Chan Medical School to provide a dynamic transdisciplinary, translational research training infrastructure for postdoctoral fellows who aspire to be independent investigators and team scientists in digital health research, specifically for implementing novel solutions that will improve cardiovascular health in an equitable manner. 

Our program supports collaboration among trainees at MD and PhD levels, bringing patient-oriented digital health researchers, community, population, and data scientists, together with bioinformatics experts and industry, to enhance and expedite advances in cardiovascular research.

Our team

Our team comprises current or up-and-coming leaders in their fields, who will work with trainees to foster intellectually challenging discourse, a firm understanding and knowledge of the principles and applications of contemporary digital health research methods, and exciting post-doctoral research. Learn more.

Program activities

The 1-2 year CODER training program harnesses a vibrant academic environment, highly diverse faculty and trainees, and substantial synergistic programs, infrastructure, and resources. The program is designed to maximize our trainees’ abilities to succeed in their paths toward becoming independent, innovative digital health researchers of the future. Learn more

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Contact us:

Questions may be directed to the CODER Training Program: CODERTrainingProgram@umassmed.edu