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Medical Group Visits: Building and Sustaining a Successful Program

Co-sponsored by the Integrated Center for Group Medical Visits

This 12-week online course with mentoring sessions will build the expertise and confidence of healthcare providers to develop and manage Medical Group Visits (MGVs).  MGVs provide patients with individual medical attention while encouraging social and peer support, which is so critical to achieving and sustaining positive behavior change.  The content of the course is based on research and experience and includes practical advice such as staffing, supplies, layout, and billing, and it addresses conducting MGVs virtually. (quick overview

Medical Group Visits (MGVs) typically focus on a disease or condition that the participants share such as chronic pain, opioid use disorder, diabetes, or hypertension.  Eight to twenty patients meet with facilitators who might include physicians and advance practice nurses, psychologists, nurses, social workers, medical assistants, community health workers, nutritionists, health coaches, or exercise teachers.

A group may meet weekly to monthly from one to three hours. Meetings typically include

  • Individual medical attention
  • Patient education
  • Time for self-management skills
  • Time to connect and socialize

The purpose of medical group visits is to reduce symptoms in patients with chronic conditions, increase access to medical care, and improve self-management skills.  For clinicians, groups allow for increased time and opportunity to provide care and connect with patients.  Additionally, safe and effective integrative techniques and activities like mind-body practices, movement, cooking demonstrations, acupressure, and meditation can be used to guide patients.

The medical care team also benefits from medical group visits…  You can read more about Medical Group Visits (MGVs) and the research supporting them

Links to MGV Research

Who should take this course? 

Administrators, physicians, advanced practice nurses, behavioral health clinicians, and any healthcare professional with an interest in launching, running or participating in medical group visits

How long does it take to complete? 

The course takes approximately 12-13 weeks to complete, it is self-paced, and materials will be available for an additional 30 days. Learners will watch and engage with the recommended modules and then may participate in a live mentoring session with faculty Dr. Gardiner, this can be scheduled via 

Are CE/CMEs available upon completion? 

We offer a certificate of completion only 

What Are The Elements of the Course?

  • 14 self-paced pre-recorded modules, divided into three sections

Click for Curriculum Outline

    • An internet-connected device: laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone 
    • For the mentoring, you will need a microphone and speakers on your internet-connected device 
  • readiness checks, formal assessments, and course evaluation

Registration Schedule

This course has rolling admission, feel free to enroll at anytime, course guide will be sent to you within 2 days of registering. 

Who teaches this course?

Paula Gardiner, MD, MPH and Jeffrey Geller, MD

Read their bios


How much does it cost?

We are offering an introductory course rate: $400 per individual, or an institutional rate: $300 per person for 3 or more people from the same institution, or $200 for students/trainees (picture ID and email from your institution or supervisor must be provided for this discount). (Please contact

*Nothing to disclose, no “commercial support”