Subpage 2: PIP Evidence and Research
Link to a bibliography of research that uses the PIP and PIP validation articles. Below are 3 validation articles to get us started.
- Mullin, D., Hargreaves, L., Auxier, A., Brennhofer, S., Hitt, J., Kessler, R., Littenberg, B., Macchi, C., Martin, M., Rose, G., Trembath, F., Eeghen, C. (2019). Measuring the integration of primary care and behavioral health services. Health Services Research 54(2), 379 389. [link to pdf hosted on CIPC AWS]
- Kessler, R., Auxier, A., Hitt, J., Macchi, C., Mullin, D., Eeghen, C., Littenberg, B. (2016). Development and validation of a measure of primary care behavioral health integration. Families, Systems, & Health 34(4), 342. [link to pdf hosted on CIPC AWS]
- Macchi, C., Kessler, R., Auxier, A., Hitt, J., Mullin, D., Eeghen, C., Littenberg, B. (2016). The Practice Integration Profile: Rationale, development, method, and research. Families, Systems, & Health 34(4), 334. [link to pdf hosted on CIPC AWS]