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EM Core Facility business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Reservation Rules: 

  • You need to be an approved user to make a reservation.
  • Please be courteous to our other users when making your reservations.
  • Restrict your instrument use to business hours if you are not a "super" user.
  • Keep your reservations to no more than 4 hour blocks of time.  If however, on your reservation day the instrument is open earlier than your reservation or is not reserved after your reservation you may also use that unreserved time.    

Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)

FEI Tecnai Spirit 12

TEM FEI Tecnai 12
Routine room temperature and
cryo imaging with tomographic

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Phillips CM10

Transmission Electron Microscope-Phillips CM10
Routine room temperature imaging

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FEI Tecnai G2 T20

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Talos L120C

Talos L120C
Routine room temperature and
cryo imaging with tomographic

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Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

FEI Quanta 200 FEG MKII

FEI Quanta 200
High vacuum, variable pressure and environmental modes (ESEM).
High resolution field emission gun
(1.5 nm in high vacuum mode).
Oxford Link Inca 350 x-ray spectrometer for
light element detection and
x-ray spectral imaging.

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Ancillary Equipment

TEM and SEM sample preparation

Ancillary Equipment
A-Ultramicrotome Reichert-Jung Ultracut E, B-Ultramicrotome LeicaUC 7, C- Sputter Coater Cressington 208hr, D-Critical Point Dryer Autosamdri 815, E-Carbon evaporator Denton Vacuum 502-B

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