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Webinar: Why and How Electronic Job Coaches Improve Employment for People with Disabilities

Date Posted: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Electronic job coaches are an assistive technology that can improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities. This webinar, a collaboration between CeKTER and CreateAbility Concepts, Inc., shares the research history and design effort that went into CreateAbility's product, MeMinder, a tool that can be used as a portable electronic job coach. MeMinder is an assistive technology that makes independence and employment possible for people with disabilities, and gives job coaches and employers advanced, customized tools to support their workers.

Click here to download the webinar slides.

For more information about the product, visit Createability Concepts, Inc.'s website and YouTube Channel @createabilityconcepts9934.

This webinar was one of three outputs from the "Which Dissemination Approach Best Reaches NIDILRR Stakeholders: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (study #H00022291)".