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Learnings from NIDILRR-funded disability employment research in the 21st century: A systematic scoping review

Project Team:

Vasudha Gidugu, Zlatka Russinova, Philippe Bloch, Marianne Farkas

Project Goal:

To conduct a systematic scoping review and synthesis of learnings from NIDILRR funded disability employment research.


To improve effective utilization of knowledge and products gained through the course of research by stakeholders to improve the lives of people with disabilities.

Objectives & Activities:

  • Gather and review literature reporting findings from NIDILRR funded disability employment research year 2000 onwards.
  • Summarize findings by disability area addressing three research topics- determinants of employment, person level interventions, and policy interventions/ initiatives.
  • Produce scoping review papers, plain language summaries, and other dissemination products.