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Welcome to the Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research

The Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research or CeKTER (pronounced like “sector”) is a collaborative effort between Boston University's Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and the Implementation Science and Practice Advances Research Center (iSPARC) at UMass Chan Medical School.

CeKTER aims to promote the use of employment research findings & research-based products by people with disabilities, employers, employment service providers, vocational rehabilitation professionals, and policymakers, among others. CeKTER’s overall goal is to assist NIDILRR disability employment grantees with sharing their work that will improve services, approaches, practices, and policies that support improved outcomes for people with disabilities.

CeKTER will provide an


Increased awareness and use of disability employment research findings funded by NIDILRR and other entities.


Increased understanding of quality and relevance of NIDILRR-funded employment research findings & their contribution to knowledge base.


Increased capacity of employment focused NIDILRR grantees to engage in knowledge translation (KT) activities.