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Research and Innovation Translation Partnerships in Point-of-Care Technologies Conference and Technology Showcase

The Research and Innovation Translation Partnerships in Point-of-Care Technologies Conference and Technology Showcase held at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in November 2023 was an enlightening event that brought together leading experts and innovators in the field of point-of-care technologies.

The conference spotlighted groundbreaking advancements in point-of-care technologies, emphasizing their potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery by providing rapid, accurate, and easy-to-use diagnostics tools for the management and treatment of diseases. The NIH expressed the need to make these innovations accessible to benefit most people, especially those from low socio-economic backgrounds. 

Through an interactive presentation, a distinguished panel from CAPCaT discussed Clinical Perspective and Challenges in Point-of-Care Technology Innovations, providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in translating these advancements into practical solutions at the bedside. Overall, the conference provided a platform for fostering meaningful partnerships and driving forward the advancement of point-of-care diagnostics and treatments, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes and healthcare accessibility.

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CAPCaT conference panel at NIH  CAPCaT Conference at UMass Chan