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BMB Blog

Blog for the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biotechnology at UMass Chan Medical School. Check here for updates about the achievements of our trainees, staff and faculty.

  • bmb blog resized hippo.png

    BMB celebrates the work of Dr. McCollum on Hippo Day 2023!

    Happy Hippo Day! The Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department is celebrating by highlighting the work from one of our labs that studies Hippo signaling. No, not the animal, but the cellular signaling pathway that controls cell fate and organ size! Dr. Dan McCollum's lab studies how cells sense and process information from physical forces around them.

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  • bmb blog resized covid19.png

    Coming up with new ways to treat COVID-19 is at the *heart* of BMB.

    #newscience alert! Several groups in our department collaborated to characterize coronavirus proteases and compounds that could be used to inhibit them to prevent future outbreaks. In this special Valentine's Day post, you'll find highlights from these two publications and beautiful representations of a coronavirus protease that looks like a heart. We love biochemistry!

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