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Anatomical Gift Program

Department of Radiology, Division of Translational Anatomy

Thank you for your interest in the Anatomical Gift Program at The UMass Chan Medical School. Since the 1970’s, UMass Chan Medical School has managed the Anatomical Gift Program (AGP) through which donors can bequeath their bodies to be used in medical education.

All members of the medical community who rely on anatomical donations, from students in anatomy courses to professionals in advanced research areas, are greatly indebted to the anatomical donors for their selfless decision and to their families who support this decision.

To obtain a copy of the Donor Registration Packet and details about our program please contact us as indicated below:

Request by telephone: 508-856-2460

Request by email (please include your full mailing address & postal code with your request)

You must be 18 years of age or older to register, you must register on your own accord and you must be of sound mind when you register.


This website is dedicated to body donors in gratitude for their lasting contribution to the medical sciences and to humankind.