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The UMass Macy Mentorship Program in Health Communication Education builds on the strengths and successes of the Macy Initiative in Health Communication (1999-2002), a collaborative medical education research project involving University of Massachusetts, New York University and Case Western Reserve University medical schools, funded by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. The goal of the UMass Macy Mentorship Program (2003-2006) is to disseminate lessons learned through the original Macy Initiative to medical schools throughout New England.
  • “Apology in Medical Practice: An Emerging Clinical Skill”

    A commentary authored by Aaron Lazare, MD, Chancellor/Dean of UMass Chan, and Principal Investigator for UMass Macy Mentorship Program, has been published in Journal of the American Medical Association, September 20, 2006-Vol 296, No.11, 1401-1404.
  •, a new communication skills webtext, is now available to support efforts to enhance communication skills teaching in healthcare.  Several modules have been authored or co-authored to date by Macy Mentorship Program participants and faculty, including: The Oral Presentation by Alicia Monroe, MD (Brown); Structure and Content of the Interview, by Auguste H. Fortin VI, MD, MPH (Yale); Family Interview, by Kathy Cole Kelly, MEd, MSW (CWRU); and Professional Boundaries (in development) by Elizabeth Gaufberg, MD, MPH (Harvard). Check out and sign up for the 15-day free trial at
  • Charting New Courses in Clinical Competence:

    UMass Macy Mentorship Program at the 12th International Ottawa Conference, 
    May 20-24, 2006, Mariott Marquis Hotel, New York City
  • "My Boundary Alarm Keeps Going Off!: Teaching Professional Boundaries to Medical Students and Residents" Harvard Medical School: Gaufberg, Hendrichs, Konopasek (Workshop-WS16, Sunday, 5/21/06, 3:45-5:15)
  • "UMass Macy Mentorship Program in Health Communication Education: Lessons Learned in an 8-School Collaboration" - All Schools: Dardano, Ferrara, Fortin, Gaufberg, Lazare, McCahan, Monroe, Pfeiffer, Pugnaire, Richardson-Nassif, Rowland-Morin. (Poster-PM2-30; Monday, 5/22/06, 12-3 pm, 5th Floor Foyer)
  • "Communication Skills for Negotiating Pain Management" University of Connecticut School of Medicine: Bona, Harrington, Henry Kosowicz, Pfeiffer, Willis (Poster-PT2-31, Tuesday, 5/23/06, 12-3, 5th Floor Foyer)
  • "UMass Macy Mentorship Program in Health Communication Education" - All Schools (Educational Exhibit: Monday, 5/22/06,10-4; Tuesday, 5/23/06, 9:30-3, Westside Ballroom)

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