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picture of Dr. John E Harris

Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Department of Dermatology!

Our department is staffed by expert, skillful and caring providers who specialize in treating skin, hair and nail diseases. Faculty members include experts in medical dermatology, pediatric dermatology, Mohs micrographic surgery, phototherapy, dermatopathology, lasers, genodermatoses, epidermolysis bullosa, vitiligo, connective tissue diseases, as well as clinical, translational and basic science research. Our residency program is ACGME-accredited and provides balanced training in a supportive, collegial environment with an emphasis on continuity of patient care. In addition to an expanding dermatology residency program, we also offer fellowships in Mohs micrographic surgery, pediatric dermatology and dermatopathology. I am quite proud of our tight-knit family of providers, staff and trainees who are leaders of dermatologic care not only in Central Massachusetts, but in New England, the country and even the world!

John E. Harris, MD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology